The Transformative Hill we Should All Climb

In February, I challenged myself to take morning jogs at 6 AM up to the Piazzale of Michaelangelo in Florence, where I currently reside. I must admit, getting out of bed to exercise in the cold and dark is not easy. The route I take is challenging. Some hills and stairs push me to my limit. There is a particular hill that is both steep and wide, and every time I see it, I have the urge to turn back. But I don't. Because I know that if I push through the discomfort, the view at the top will be worth it. And it always is. The view is not only breathtaking but overcoming the discomfort helps me build resilience. It motivates me to keep going until it becomes a habit that I enjoy and find natural. Cultivating habits that promote growth and transformation, even if they are uncomfortable, is crucial. Because no matter where you go in life, you take yourself with you. The habits you nurture, whether they be mental, spiritual, physical, professional, or relational, are those that prepare you to face life's difficult times that may lie ahead. So, here's how you can develop the discipline necessary to persevere through hard times.

1. Start small

Pick one habit you want to cultivate and start with small, achievable actions. For example, if you want to start exercising, begin with a 10-minute walk or jog and gradually increase the time and intensity.

2. Create a routine

Schedule a specific time and place for your new habit. Consistency is key to forming a habit that sticks.

3. Track your progress

Keep a journal or use an app to track your progress. This will help you stay motivated and see the positive changes in your life.

4. Find accountability

Share your goals with a friend or join a community of people with similar goals. This will provide support and accountability to help you stay on track.

5. Celebrate small wins

Celebrate each small win along the way. This will reinforce the positive behavior and encourage you to keep going.

Remember, developing good habits takes time and effort, but the rewards are worth it. Focus on progress, not perfection, and be patient with yourself. The view from the top is worth it. And so are you. With consistency and discipline, you can cultivate habits that promote growth and transformation in your life.


Focus on Direction, Not Timing


“There are no mistakes in life, just lessons”