It’s a New Season!
I love the beginning of a new season. A yearly reminder that not everything last forever. The way I see it, endings pave the way for new beginnings. As Fall begins, we bid farewell to summer. For me that means, embracing change means embracing new opportunities. For instance, if we were to put it simply, it's a great time to reorganize my closet, swap out my wardrobe, and prepare for the change in weather. It also allows us to set new goals for the coming months.
We often resist change because it can be uncomfortable and challenging. However, beyond the discomfort lies the potential for growth and transformation. Instead of focusing on the pain and difficulties of change, we should shift our attention to the rewards that come with our perseverance in the new season. The fact is that every new circumstance demands adjustment, and sometimes the change that comes is beyond our control. While they may come unexpectedly, we need to view our circumstances from a different perspective. We can do that by recognizing that change has two sides: adaptation and mastery. One involves finding ways to thrive within the new environment. The other involves becoming skilled and experienced in dealing with the new situation, ultimately achieving a high level of proficiency and understanding. This allows us to develop mental, emotional, relational, professional, and personal strengths that we wouldn't attain by staying in the same place.
I invite you to reflect on your past experiences and recognize the areas where transformation occurred. Although it might have been difficult, you are now wiser and stronger than before.
It's time to prepare yourself for the next season by developing new skills and strengths. Get prepared and take practical actions such as seeking out new strategies for your new experiences, such as learning from mentors, and setting specific goals to actively engage in the process of change and growth.
This new season might be the starting place for something amazing. This is another opportunity to build resilience and create a better version of yourself for the future. Don't focus so much on what it will cost you but what you'll gain from your perseverance. May this fall be your best yet!