You don't develop in comfort

Life has a way of throwing us into unexpected and challenging situations. But these moments are not just random. They are opportunities for us to choose between giving up or pushing through. I urge you to choose the latter. In this world, we are bound to face trials time and time again, but these tribulations are not meant to crush us. They are meant to shape us. They may not be easy to endure or overcome, but they have the power to mold us into something stronger.

We've all encountered tough situations in our lives. Looking back, you may realize that there were moments when you doubted your ability to overcome them. Yet, here you are, having come so far. It serves as a reminder that no matter what you're facing today, you have the strength within you to grow through it.

So, my encouragement for this week is simple. Things might not appear as you expected or hoped for, but you have the full capacity to prevail and emerge stronger in the process. Trust in the faith within you, and believe that you have what it takes.


It’s a New Season!


Don't let it spill on you